Wimborne Primary School

023 9273 3784


Wimborne Primary School Policies

Parents are entitled to paper copies of website information free of charge

Important school policies and documents

Anti-Bullying Policy

There are many differently worded definitions of bullying and most contain several key features. However, bullying is an emotive issue and confusion can arise about what constitutes bullying and this can have damaging consequences for children and young people. As a result of work carried out by the Local Authority (LA) Behaviour and Attendance Working Party, we have adopted the following definition:
“Bullying is an attitude rather than an act. It can be identified as bullying only by measuring the effects the acts have on the identified child/children. It may take the form of a repeated attack physically, psychologically, socially, with the intention of causing distress for their own gratification.”

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Attendance Policy

At Wimborne we give a high priority to attendance and we are committed to ensure that the children benefit fully from the opportunities that the school offers them. Optimum levels of attendance can only be fully achieved when responsibility is accepted and shared by all concerned: pupils, parents, school staff, governors, Portsmouth City Council and the local community.

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Curriculum Policy

Our curriculum has been carefully planned for children to learn life-long skills and be passionate about the world around them. Our pupil offer is an enhanced curriculum where there are opportunities for contextual learning through trips, visitors, outdoor learning, knowledge of their local community and providing links to art and culture and other unique learning experiences. Our progressive curriculum is led by pupils and staff to ensure it is engaging and ambitious for all learners.

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Data protection policy adopted from Jedu.pdfData Protection Policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures a balance between an individual’s rights to privacy and the lawful processing of personal data undertaken by organisations in the course of their business. It aims to protect the rights of individuals about whom data is obtained, stored, processed or supplied and requires that organisations take appropriate security measures against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal data.

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Data Retention Policy

Annual review of school records and safe data destruction checklist...

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Health and Safety Policy

The purpose of this policy is to further our aim to provide a secure, safe, healthy and stimulating environment for all pupils, staff and visitors to the school. Parents need to know that every measure will be taken to keep their children safe. We believe that the prevention of accidents and hazards is a key responsibility for every member of the school community...

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Home-school agreement

This agreement encapsulated our belief that parents are a child’s first and most important educators. It is designed to help achieve the highest possible standards of achievement through close communication and effective partnership with parents. In drawing up this agreement we surveyed parents and carers to clarify their expectations of the school. In addition, the staff reviewed current practices on the extent to which the school council provides an effective vehicle for consulting them and involving them in decision-making.

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Inclusion Policy

This document is seen as a working and developing policy liable to change in the light of evaluation of practice, and is reviewed annually.
Wimborne Primary School recognises all its pupils as equal individuals and is committed to developing an inclusive and supportive learning environment that removes barriers to learning and in which all learners achieve their full potential. We are committed to diminishing the difference in attainment and progress between groups of learners and tailoring our provision. Our school is accessible for wheelchair users with specialised toilet and hygiene facilities for children and adults and a stair lift in the junior building.

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Lettings Policy 2023.pdfLettings Policy

This policy is to ensure the correct participation and safety of all those who use the facilities at Wimborne Primary School. The Governing Board is keen to see that the premises are used for the benefit of the whole local community whenever possible.

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Safeguarding Leaflet

Supporting Pupils at School with
Medical Conditions and First Aid Policy

This policy outlines the School’s responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate first aid to pupils, staff, parents and visitors. First aid treatment is given to a casualty to preserve life, to prevent the condition worsening and to promote recovery. The policy also details the actions the school should take in support of pupils with medical conditions...

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WPS Privacy_Notice_for_pupils Sep 2023.pdfWPS Privacy_Notice_for_pupils Sep 2023.pdfPrivacy Notice

Wimborne Primary School is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about pupils, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), section 537A of the Education Act 1996 and section 83 of the Children Act 1989... 

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Statutory policies

Other documents