Wimborne Primary School

023 9273 3784


Artist of the Half Term



At Wimborne Primary School we have a big interest in art, so we have created an Artist of the Half Term! Each half term an artist will be chosen! There will also be a competition at the end of each half term where children can win prizes for the best art work about the artist!

Our artist of the half term is  currently Andy Goldsworthy


He used many natural resources to create his pieces of art. Why don't you have a go at creating a piece of art using natural resources such as conkers, leaves, stickers, pebbles from the beach. You could then take a picture and send it Mrs Yeomans or Mrs Swann at the email addresses below, with your name and class. You could also create a profile about Andy Goldsworthy, the options are endless but the main thing is to HAVE FUN! The deadline for entries is Wednesday 13th December.
Mrs Yeomans- kyeomans@wimborne.portsmouth.sch.uk
Mrs Swann - tswann@wimborne.portsmouth.sch.uk



 Magical Land Art By Andy Goldsworthy | Bored Panda